Compliance with chemical legislation

REACH as primary regulations document under the European Union's chemical legislations that the registration of chemical substances must be submitted based on chemical locations, evaluations, authorizations, the protection of the environmental and of human health.
 Our company, Duslo, a.s. as a manufacturer and importer is required to process all requests and duties and is obligated to implement them immediately.

Based on the quantities of manufactured products and purchased raw materials, a detailed list of chemicals and mixtures has been drawn up. These are subject to registration.

All manufactured products and transitional products were properly pre-registered and later again registered in the relevant registration periods, based on annual production.

A  total of 30 chemicals have been registered.

Thanks to a wide production portfolio, we have become members of several organizations within The SIEF (Information Exchange Forum) and several consortia.

We carefully processed and evaluated the information we received about our products during registration. We in addition make this information available to our customers through extended safety data analysis including exposure plans for the safe use of our products.

More detailed information on REACH, CLP in Duslo, a.s. contact:
Ing. Hiyam Vágnerová
tel.: +421 31 775 3783