Responsible Care

Responsible Care: is an initiative of the chemical industry, which aims to continuously increase the care of the environment, health and safety in the production and use of chemical products. Responsible Care is a global commitment to raise demands on safety, human health and the environment. The program is characterized by the eight basic criteria adopted and approved by ICCA - the International Council of Chemical Associations.

Each program has eight basic features:

  • Principles - a formal undertaking by the undertaking to sign a declaration containing the basic principles of health and environmental protection to the Director-General.
  • Codes - Helping companies implement the program.
  • Activity indicators - progressive development of indicators to measure the impacts of health, safety and environmental impacts.
  • Communication - A continuous process of communication on issues related to health, safety and the environment with stakeholders.
  • Mutual exchange of experience - organizing meetings to exchange experiences and opinions between companies in implementing Responsible Care.
  • Name and logo - Accepting a name and logo that national associations clearly declare to Responsible Care and express compatibility with the global movement.
  • Encouraging all chemical companies - consider how best to encourage all chemical companies to participate in the program.
  • Verification - Systematic procedures for verifying the implementation of the program by member bodies.

The main objective of the Responsible Care program is the sustainable development of the chemical industry with regard to safety, health and the environment in accordance with technical and scientific knowledge. His goal is also to create the basis and conditions for conducting dialogue between the government, the public and the chemical industry. The Responsible Care Program is a voluntary commitment of the chemical industry, and it is now underlined that it represents ethics in business in the chemical industry.