Duslo a.s., a member of the AGROFERT Group, is one of the most important companies of chemical industry in Slovakia. We are a manufacturer of fertilizers in a range of European importance and a worldwide supplier of rubber chemicals. We produce polyvinyl acetate dispersions and adhesives, magnesium chemistry products and other special products. We are aware that our business has a direct and indirect impact on the economy, the environment, the community and our employees, and our success also depends on a high level of social responsibility.
Our mission is to ensure the continuous growth of the company on market, to have contribution of workers on all positions to produce chemical products in a safe environment, in an environmentally friendly manner, in compliance with the applicable legislation, to be preferred supplier for our customers and the biggest challenge for our suppliers, to increase the share of new and in upgraded products, to improve technological processes and to use resources more efficiently.
Company Vision
The vision of our company is to belong one of the most effective chemical companies in Slovakia. Our effort at sustainable development is reflected in the way how we manage processes, how we ensure technology development and equipment modernization, and how we build up relationships with partners, customers, suppliers, employees and the local community. We are always acting in compliance with applicable legislation and in line with the principles of ethical conduct and transparency. The quality and safety of our products, the satisfaction of our customers and employees is our paramount goal. The strategy in the area of social responsibility is linked to the strategy of the parent company AGROFERT.
The path to the lasting success we see in respecting of the declared principles, in setting and evaluating of the targets and in monitoring of the performance in individual areas in the form of a Corporate Social Responsibility report.
Compliance with national and international legal and other requirements
Our success we do see in maintaining the company's business compliance with national and international legal requirements and other obligations that we are committed to complete, in accordance with the principles of ethical conduct and transparency.
We implement ISO standards into our Integrated Management System, while the effectiveness of management systems is regularly reviewed by independent certification body. Our goal is to be 100% in compliance with legal requirements. Our products, but also the raw materials which we are buying, must comply with European chemical legislation. We respect the requirements of our stakeholders, which we review and implement into processes.
Labour and human rights
We are consistently supporting democratic values and respect for human rights according to the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms. Violations in human rights are unacceptable for us, we do not tolerate child labour, illegal or forced labour, physical punishments and any form of mental or sexual abuse. We enforce equal rights and opportunities for all employees, in accordance with the principle of equal treatment established in the field of employment relations, without any restrictions or discrimination of women and minorities. We take care of an ethical approach to the recruitment and selection of employees, respect diversity and ensure the equal inclusion of all employees in Duslo, a.s.. All employees have the right to fair employment, equal opportunities and decent working conditions, fair and non-discriminatory remuneration. We enforce a healthy and safe working environment and we ensure professional growth of employees. We respect the right of employees to collective bargaining and join unions. Our aim is to create an atmosphere in the workplace free of stress and fear, to encourage our employees to communicate openly, to have social dialogue and to report identified injustices and discrimination. For this, is created the "Tell us" tool.
Environmental protection, nature consideration
Taking care for individual components of the living and working environment is an integral part of our business and one of the decisive criteria for the company's development and strategic goals. By joining the Responsible Care chemical industry initiative, we have made a commitment to align our activities with our growing demands for safety, human health and the environment.
Our main goals in the field of environmental protection are the gradual systematic reduction of environmental pollution directly at the source with a focus on streamlining the protection of groundwater and soil, reducing wastewater pollution, reducing emissions from individual sources and reducing of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), decarbonization and reducing waste. We are preparing transformational decarbonization actions and actions to mitigate the impact of climate changes.
We strive for a quality working environment for our employees and a healthy environment for the citizens of our region. We prove our responsibility to protect the health of the surrounding population by monitoring and evaluating water, air pollution sources, continuous monitoring and evaluation of the air pollution situation in the catchment area. The results of continuous emission and air pollution monitoring are freely available to the public on the company's website.
Occupational safety and health protection
Our priority is to protect the lives and health of our employees, suppliers, and surrounding communities. By introducing a risk management system in the field of safety and health protection at work, fire protection and safety of technological processes, as well as by monitoring the working environment (e.g. measuring noise, lighting), we reduce potential risks arising from our activities in order to prevent incidents and accidents. In the field of civil protection, we provide a system for monitoring critical equipment and a system of informing and warning the population in the event of a dangerous substance leak, as well as taking care of individual protection means.
We support the fulfilment of the company's obligations by making significant investments in increasing the safety of equipment, equipping employees with work tools, as well as involving them in the safety management process. In addition to our own employees, we also involve external workers and companies located on the company's premises in the safety management process in order to improve emergency preparedness and response to possible emergency events. Our goal is to constantly reduce the risks arising from production processes and the working environment, which can endanger employees on the territory and persons outside the territory of the company, to increase the safety of the transportation of our products, to improve work spaces, work equipment and PPE, and to improve emergency preparedness and response through regular verification and practice for extraordinary events. We continuously monitor, evaluate, improve and raise stakeholder awareness of risks (e.g. safe handling of chemicals) in this area.
Product Stewardship (Responsible Product Supervision)
The basis of our Product Stewardship is to provide information about manufactured products, their properties and safe use not only to customers but also to the general public and final consumers. Appropriate tool is a Global product strategy. It is a way of building public confidence, that chemicals are handled safely during their life cycle with regard to consumer health and the environment. Our goal is to comprehensively, accurately and concisely inform about the safety, health and environmental risks of our products throughout their entire lifecycle, from their production, through transport and use to their disposal, to customers, carriers and final consumers based on a responsible assessment of potential health, safety, environmental and social risks and impact at each stage of the life cycle and by introducing appropriate measures to mitigate them.
Our company has implemented product safety and compliance management (product integrity) and appointed a Product Safety and Compliance Officer (PSCR) for rubber chemicals according to the VDA standard.
For inorganic products, the company has implemented Fertilizers Europe's requirements in the IMS aimed at caring for products throughout their life cycle with the aim of acting in accordance with the core values of FE, supporting and constantly improving the product stewardship program as well as complying with applicable legal regulations.
When designing, developing, manufacturing and using products, we take into account their impact on health, safety and the environment. We limit the creation of waste, emissions, consumption of water and resources and support the use of renewable energy sources.
We monitor and continuously improve the performance of our products and processes.
We support sustainable procurement and consumption, including product and waste recycling and their disposal in an environmentally friendly manner.
Our customers and all interested parties can also use the "Tell us" line to report any violation of Product Stewardship principles.
Ethical behaviour, non-corruption business, transparency
In business relationships with customers and suppliers, we insist on strict compliance with applicable laws and ethical rules. We follow the rules of ethical conduct, which are summarised in the AGROFERT Group's Code of Ethics. Within the group, an ethical line "Tell us" is established, to which any employee or partner can report suspected unethical behaviour in the company. Transparent business is a necessary condition for good relations with business partners. We are also expecting a fair negotiation with equal approach with providing of truthful information.
We are requiring from our employees to not negotiate with business partners in violation of competition rules and to be in compliance with the rules governing fair competition rules, to be impartial and objective in dealing with matters, and to reject coercion, influence, wishes, gifts or benefits that could jeopardise impartiality. We do not accept corruption and bribery, nor do we offer gifts, entertainment or other economic benefits. Our aim is maximum transparency and zero corruption.
Social media is an important part of modern life as a tool for communication and dissemination of information. We respect the principles of protection of privacy, intellectual property, confidentiality, reputation and interests of our partners. We also expect such behavior from stakeholders towards Duslo, a.s. We strongly refuse to use or comment on any defamatory, discriminatory, racist or political statement about another person, company, community or country on social networks on behalf of Duslo, a.s.
Sustainable procurement, rules on ethical behaviour of suppliers
Duslo considers its suppliers as long-term trading partners and is committed to conduct its business in a fair and ethical manner that promotes open and fair competition in the best interests of Duslo, a.s. and its business partners. The supply chain is a key contributor to the development and implementation of our Social Responsibility programme. We expect business partners to respect and adhere to our Responsible Business policy and incorporate its principles into their business and production processes and to take this initiative further to their suppliers. In our purchasing process, we prefer partners who show social and environmental responsibility when carrying out their business and prefer to purchase sustainable, safe, environmentally friendly and energy-efficient products and services. Business relations are shaped only with partners for whom there is no doubt about their reputation, the legality of their business. Our goal is to monitor the behaviour and performance of our suppliers and to clearly communicate our attitudes and requirements.
Suppliers must comply with applicable privacy and information security laws, and must adequately implement the measures to protect the confidential information and personal information we provide to them from loss and unauthorized access or use.
Partners are obliged to ensure that their operations and products delivered to Duslo, a.s. and all their activities carried out in the territory of Duslo, a.s. comply with all national and other applicable laws and regulations. The raw materials, which we are buying from suppliers, must comply with the European REACH Regulation.
Suppliers must source minerals, mineral derivatives and other raw materials in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and in a manner that respects human rights. Suppliers must avoid direct or indirect funding for armed groups in conflict areas.
Tenders regarding to the supplies of goods and services are provided transparently.
Sustainable development, investment, energy consumption
Our strategy is to ensure the sustainable development of the company in the long term by investing in new, efficient and safe technologies, in development green and energy projects and in the production of new products. We strive to intensify and modernize existing operations. We buy more efficient and safer devices that save energy, protect the environment and improve the working environment for our employees. Our goal is to continuously increase the energy efficiency of equipment, reduce energy consumption and energy intensity of production facilities, thus contributing to environmental protection and resource saving and sustainability. We monitor and evaluate our performance.
Duslo, a.s. is committed to a low-carbon development strategy of the Slovak Republic to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The aim of the strategy and thus our goal is to contribute to reduce greenhouse gas emissions as much as possible, increase energy efficiency and increase the share of renewable energy sources in total energy consumption for which we spend considerable resources.
Community development, education
We are aware of our moral obligation to the community and the region in which we operate and whose resources we use. We are interested in contributing to their development and building good relations with the inhabitants of nearby towns and villages, as well as with business partners operating in the region. By creating jobs, we support local economic growth and the purchasing power of the population.
We provide health services and medical and preventive care to our employees as well as to residents of the surrounding area. We support the vocational education and cultural development of our employees and the education of our children in the insufficient technical fields. To ensure the sustainable development of our company, current and future employees, their intellect and efforts to constantly advance, are an essential foundation. We value the work of our pensioners and all former employees who laid the basement of our prospering company.
>> Report of Corporate Social Responsibility for year 2023 <<