Electrical service maintenance

An integral part of the production unit in VJÚ Duslo Sala, a.s. is the repair and assembly-delivery program. VJU Duslo Sala, a.s has been established since the 1960’s. The operation was renamed in 2010 and its predecessor was the former electro-maintenance in Duslo Šaľa, a.s.  until 1992. From 1992 to 1996 Electro maintenance and EPZ, from 1996 to 2010 Eldus, a.s 100% subsidiary of Duslo, a.s.

In addition to the standard maintenance of electrical equipment for Duslo, a.s. They also offer electrical maintenance services for external customers, medium and general repairs of electric motors and transformers up to 3500 kW in volts of 400V, 6000V, 22000V.

A specific task is the production of CU winding for high voltage electric motors operating in the thermal class of upto 160 °F.
strong-current electrical engineering,
SO and GO motors and transformers,
Winding production for HV and LV electric motors,
Production and repair of rotary electric machine shafts, repairs of bearing plates by insertion,
Electric motors mechanical part repairs, such as bolts, shields, rings for ring motors, carbon and carbon holders for single and commutator motors, engines and terminals.
Repairs are documented by test and balance test reports,
Magnetic testing of electrical machinery,
Coil winding of electromagnets,
At the customer's request, we will: dismantle the equipment at the customers establishment, transport it to the repair workshop, reassemble after repair and install the equipment at the customer's establishment.

We devise an "added value"  in all projects

Our long standing professional experience in electrical machinery repair, the assembly of electrical equipment and the high professionalism of our staff guarantees the success and professional quality of the work we produce. Throughout the service we provide top professional knowledge.


Duslo, a.s.
Administrative building no.1236
927 03 Šaľa

Jozef Kristóf
Electrical service manager
Tel .: +421 31 775 2638
Mobile: +421 901 919 355
e-mail: jozef.kristof@duslo.sk

Ing. Adam Gala
TP maintenance operator (responsible for the SO and GO motors and transformers)
Tel .: +421 31 775 2479
Mobile: +421 901 919 372
e-mail: adam.gala@duslo.sk

Bc. Peter Urbaník
TP maintenance operator for preventive and operative maintenance
Tel .: +421 31 775 4380
Mobile: +421 918 640 868
e-mail: peter.urbanik@duslo.sk

Ing. Erik Bleho
Static and dynamic rotor balancing
Tel .: +421 918 601 427
e-mail: erik.bleho@duslo.sk